Church family meeting
We meet every Tuesday evening in the church hall for singing, Bible study and prayer. It's a great way to get to know others in the church family. We meet at 7.20pm for coffee and chat and start our Bible study at around 7.30 pm. We finish by 9 pm. Do join us – we're a friendly bunch!
Contact CJ Davis (the Rector) and he can put you in touch with one of the groups.
Once a month, we have a prayer meeting – in the church hall, on the second Tuesday of the month.

Energise (years 7 to 13), Sunday Club (Reception to year 6) and Little Fishes (0 to 3s) happen on a Sunday morning. More details here.

Little Sunbeams
Little Sunbeams is our baby and toddler group which runs each Thursday in term time, for parents, carers and grandparents and their little ones. Fresh coffee and light refreshments and lots of toys.
For 0 – 5-year olds from 10am – 11.30am.
£1.50 per session. All welcome.
For more information contact:
Church Office
Abbey Street
TA18 7HY
Mothers' Union
Mothers’ Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. Its members are not all mothers or even all women, as there are many parents, men, widows, singles and grandparents involved in its work.
Our Mothers' Union meets in the Church Hall at 2.30pm on the third Tuesday of each month. It has a range of speakers and activities and all are welcome.

Coffee Pot
Held every few weeks on a Wednesday morning in the Church hall at 11am.
Come along and join us for a chat over coffee, tea and cakes.
Bring a friend or make some new ones.
Open to all.
St Bart's Choir
St Bartholomew's choir sings at the Sunday morning service, supporting the congregation. It meets on a Thursday evening for practice between 6.45 and 8pm.
Do come and join us!

St Bartholomew’s Crewkerne has a ring of 8 bells which are rung by our regular band and by visiting ringers for services, weddings, special occasions and for fun. There is a thriving bell ringing community in the UK, and lots of information can be found online about how bells are rung.
Anyone in reasonable health can ring bells, and ringers vary in age from nine to ninety. Bell ringing is an excellent way to stay active, test your brain, contribute to the community, and be sociable. Our outings are also an excellent opportunity to visit other local towers – and tea rooms!
How to Join
Practice night is on Monday from 7:30pm, and Sunday ringing starts at 10:15am – but please check with the Tower Captain first in case arrangements have changed. A rope fee applies for visiting bands, but there are no charges for regular ringing. The external entrance to the tower is to the south-east of the church, near to the steps leading up from Church Street. For Sat Navs please use the post code TA18 7HY. Parking is available at the Abbey Street Car Park (free evenings and Sundays).
If you’d like to know more about us before coming along, please contact:
Tower Captain, Mrs Katy Manuel
Tel: 01460 271697

St Bart's Handbells
St Bart’s Hand Bell Ringers ring on various occasions across the year and meet for practice on Friday evenings.
The team has a wonderful set of hand bells which was a gift. It consists of four beautiful lined boxes of hand-bells which make up a full 3-octave set. Professionally crafted by the renowned Bells of Whitechapel. One of the bells has been inscribed in memory of Pru Nedham who among her many talents was one of the St Bart’s Hand Bell ringers and did much to ensure the continued development of the group.