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 Young people and children at St Bart's

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FROM SEPTEMBER: Energise is our group for young people in years 7 to 13. It runs during the Sunday morning service. We go over to the church hall for discussions, video clips, drinks and snacks. 


When: During Sunday morning services –1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays 

Where: St Barts Church Hall

Time: 11.20 am until about 12.15

Who: Years 7 to 13

Sunday Club is a special time set aside for children to enjoy drama, storytelling, games and activities around a story in the Bible, while the adults enjoy their time in the main church. It is for all children of primary school age. 


We start all together in the main service. After about 20 minutes, the children and Sunday Club leaders go over to the church hall for around 45 minutes of fun!


When: During Sunday morning services – 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays 

Where: St Barts Church Hall

Time: 11.15 am until soon after 12

Who: Reception to Year 6

Our crèche, Little Fishes, runs during the service for babies and children from 0–3 years old. There is a dedicated space near the coffee area with rugs and baby toys.


Parents usually stay with their children but can still hear what’s going on in the service. Members of the church family who have a DBS and safeguarding training are sometimes available to take care of babies to give their parents a break.


When: During Sunday morning services 

Where: Little Fishes corner (near the coffee)

Time: Throughout the service

Who: 0 to 3-year-olds

Join us during the week at Little Sunbeams, our baby and toddler group – it runs every Thursday during term-time in the church hall, 10 am until 11.30 am. 


When: Thursdays during term-time 

Where: St Barts Church Hall

Time: 10.00 to 11.00 am

Who: Babies and toddlers and their parents/carers

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All age services

On the fourth Sunday of each month, we have an All Age Service for everyone from 0 to 99! Come and join us! It is relaxed and informal and lasts around 45 minutes, with coffee and tea served afterwards.


During the year, we celebrate other special occasions together with an All Age service, such as Mothering Sunday.


You don’t have to have been to church before to come to these groups or any of our services. All are welcome.


When: Every 4th Sunday

Where: St Bart's Church

Time: 11 am until about 11.45 am

Who: All ages!


We take safeguarding very seriously at St Bart's Church. All our leaders have had safeguarding training and are DBS-checked. On a child's first visit to Energise, Sunday Club or Little Fishes where we are responsible for your child, a parent or carer is asked to sign our safeguarding forms (which include details of any allergies, etc). 


If you have any questions at all about any of our policies or procedures, please ask us. You can ring the church office or speak one of the Sunday Club leaders. Alternatively, you can speak to our Rector, CJ Davis, or the Safeguarding Officer, Annmarie Province.

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